WHENCE ITALY? “May you live in Interesting times” is an ancient curse which seems tailor made for 2020, but if this year could pick where to establish its main home address, look no further than my country. Of course, we had an early start. Where we come from Italy had a shock general election in 2018, where the “Movimento 5 Stelle” ( M5S) exploded on the national stage, winning about a third of the national vote, and becoming the sensation of the decade. While the centre right coalition, formed by Lega (Salvini), Forza Italia (i.e., Berlusconi) Fratelli d'Italia (Meloni), and some others, won a majority with 37% of the vote. By the way, do not bother trying to understand Italy's electoral system: suffice to say that in the recent past two electoral system were introduced but never used, one was, and currently there is for any practical purposes none. After some consultations by President Mattarella, largely inconclusive since there were no clear chances of forming...