Why the inheritance tax is not a good idea
Assertions, assumptions and problems behind inheritance taxes Italy has been plagued this week, as it is periodically, with a flurry of proposals to increase/alter inheritance taxes. It's like living in a country plagued with locusts: you can quietly till your land for between three and seven years, then something inexplicable happens and the cloud you see looming in the distance is not a summer thunderstorm, and it buzzes. This time, the starting shot was given by Mr. Letta, the current Secretary of Partito Democratico, ( PD ), who went public saying that he wanted an increase in inheritance taxation in order to finance some kind of handout to young people, like ten thousand EUR per young person. He was promptly stopped By Draghi in a presser, who said, and I quote, “in a recession we give money, we don't take it”. But amazingly, that wouldn't have been enough to have me write down something. What bugged me into writing this was an interview to La Stampa by Vincenzo V...