Why I was disturbed by the Police images from Ottawa – and I think you should too
Why I was disturbed by the Police images from Ottawa – and I think you should too Dedicated to my friend Duke. One day, brother, we'll meet and hug. Let me share with you some family lore. My father was the son of his father. Yes, I know, shocking. That should never have happened, but there you go. It so happened tough, that my grandfather, whom I am named after, was the fourth of five brothers in an hillside village in Piedmont, and eking a living out of what meager land and pastures were there. Of the five brothers, three emigrated to Argentina, one (“Zio Vittorio”) stayed to till the land, and my grandfather.. managed to enter the Carabinieri as a recruit, which brought him and our family out of poverty. He managed to study while he did that, finished the equivalent of GRAMMAR school, and passed the exam to join the NCO school. He went through the Second World war, partly in what is now Croatia and then being redeployed to Italy as security of a military airfield until...