WHILE YOU WERE MARRIED Things happened in 1991... apart from my spouse and I tying the knot. Desert Storm Visegrad Germany is formally unified … And they all laughed. Save from my deskmate, and brother to this day. It was early 1991, and the receding winter had been the one when Kuwait had been invaded, and while the Allied forces had been deployed in the Arabian peninsula, no significant action had taken place. The US divisions which had been until the year before deployed in West Germany in order to parry attacks by the Soviets were now there, and for the first and the last time since 1973, two significant and comparable armies were bound to clash on open ground. “They” was the customary investment meeting in the company I worked for, as a very junior junior equity manager. Yet, I had been a military buff since I was eight, I kept current as I try to do to this day, and I had said something so preposterous that I can understand the reaction. I had said “ I...